Got Liens in San Diego CA? No Problem!

Chiropractic San Diego CA Liens

Hello law offices Attorneys, case managers, paralegals. If you're an Attorney or maybe an Attorney's assistant and you're looking to refer one of your new clients to a chiropractor in San Diego CA for a personal injury case, look no further!

We'll take care of your client like we would take care of our own parent, sibling or family member. At Better Life Chiropractic Dr. Victor Krauss DC, QME has much to offer your office and your clients. We have been serving auto accident, TBI, closed head trauma, whiplash and other personal injury cases on liens for over 26 years. The doctor is bilingual, fluent in Spanish. As a matter of fact, Dr. Krauss lived and practiced in Antigua Guatemala serving his patients en Espanol prior to opening Better Life Chiropractic in San Diego county in 1996.

Chiropractor for your personal injury cases in San Diego CA

One reason to choose us as your "Go To Guys" for chiropractic for your personal injury cases is that unlike other chiropractors who are more than happy to take your case on a lien but then they'll make your life and your client's life hell if they ever have to reduce their chiropractic lien, we will work with your firm should the lien need to be reasonably reduced to settle the case. We will gladly put you and your attorney on our list of referral attorneys as a gesture of gratitude for allowing us to be of service to your client. We want what you want in that we want a happy client who will not only get great results with us, but will be happy with both of our offices and likely refer themselves, family and friends back to our offices should the need arise for future care.

We are in the San Diego office Monday-Wednesday-Friday and in the Oceanside office Tuesday-Thursday but should you need us for a new case on an off day, no problem! Just call our office and we'll call you back immediately or better yet, text me on my cell at (619) 846-4847 and I'll see your new client on an off day, after hours or even on the weekend if it's urgent.

We have two Better Life Chiropractic offices. They are located 36 miles apart thus we are able to serve much of San Diego county.

Our San Diego office is located in the heart of Mission Calley at 3435 Camino del Rio S Suite 208A, San Diego CA 92108. We are within 1 mile of interstate freeways 805, 15 and 8 and within 5 minutes of the 5, 163 and 94. We are within minutes of San Diego State University and the new SDSU stadium is visible from our office.

Our Oceanside office address is 408 N Nevada St Suite A, Oceanside CA, 92054 and is 2 minutes from the Mission Ave exit off interstate 5 less than 10 minutes from the 76 and 78. We regularly see patients from Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Vista, Carlsbad and La Costa

Thanks for reading. We look forward to working with you.